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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

My Day in 10 Words

  1. snow
  2. sparkling
  3. baking
  4. tea
  5. spices
  6. laundry
  7. peppermint
  8. headache
  9. cookies
  10. mess

What 10 words would sum up your day?


  1. OK, I'll try this.
    1. Preparedness (big storm arriving Friday and Saturday)
    2. Michigan Cherry Coffee
    3. Movies (Christmas ones)
    4. Food (planning for Christmas if guests can travel)
    5. Warmth
    6. Teatime
    7. Work
    8. Health
    9. Joy
    10. Home


  2. Assuming for Tuesday? If so:
    1. Wind
    2. Walk
    3. Brrrr!
    4. Lunch
    5. Repeat
    6. Warmth
    7. Tea!
    8. Dinner
    9. Cookies
    10. Rest


  3. 1. Email
    2. Breakfast
    3. Cats
    4. Work
    5. Errands
    6. Chili
    7. Presents
    8. Phone
    9. Snack
    10. Bed

  4. 1. Coffee
    2. Dentist
    3. Windy
    4. Saimin
    5. Car
    6. Donation
    7. Crowds
    8. Finger
    9. Crafting
    10. Eggs


  5. 1. quiet
    2. errands
    3. decorating
    4. dogs
    5. reading
    6. cooking
    7. laundry
    8. organizing
    9. movie
    10. leftovers

  6. Ooh, fun!
    1) patients
    2) pizza
    3) coworkers
    4) chilly
    5 & 6) weather monitoring (see Alice's comments)
    7) soup
    8) cat
    9) family
    10) blankets

  7. I love reading each of your 10. I can identify with many items from your lists. I hope the midwest storm is not as bad as the news is forecasting. Good luck with your preparations to all who are in the storm's path. Thank you all for playing along with me.


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