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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

A Festive Plate of Valentine's Cookies

I have my daughters to thank for this plate of Valentine's cookies. One daughter made the sugar cookie dough a while ago and froze it. And the other daughter rolled it out the other evening, cut them into hearts then baked and decorated all of them. She used 3 different cookie cutters, a fluted-edge one from my mother, large plastic freebie cutter from our bank (many years ago), and the small heart cutter from their childhood Easy Bake Oven. My daughter gathered all of the topping/decors she could find from my baking cupboard and just went to town. 

I practically didn't need any coffee the next morning when I stumbled into the kitchen and saw this festive tray of Valentine's cookies.

My mother baked cookies to add inexpensive merriment to our family's holidays. When my daughter told me what she planned on baking, I asked specifically that she use my mother's heart cutter for some of them and sprinkle those with colored sugar crystals before baking, just as my mom did. Seeing those cookies on the platter brought back a flood of fond memories from my childhood. My daughter never had the chance to meet her grandmother. Yet, 60 some years later, the granddaughter is baking cookies just like her grandmother used to make.

Do you bake Valentine's cookies or make any special treats? 


  1. Oh, I do love cookies and decorated sugar cookies are one of my favorites. I love whipping up things in the kitchen that remind me of loved family members. This year I will be making my husband and I a cheesecake for Valentine's Day as that is what he has requested. I will thoroughly enjoy it too!

    1. Hi Nana,
      Your cheesecake sounds yummy! Enjoy Valentine's Day!

  2. How fun! They look beautiful, and how special that she used your mother's cookie cutter!

    1. Thank you, Cat. I thought the cookie cutter made a special connection between our three generations, too.

  3. When the children were little we did all the things baking and so on. But we can't eat through so much these days so, no, I don't make many things anymore. Perhaps I'll also make a small cheesecake for my husband because he loves them.

    1. Hi Alice,
      I understand not having the need for bunches of cookies and such. Wishing you and your husband a happy Valentine's Day.

  4. What a fun surprise. I have the same cookie cutter from my mother, but I don't think I'll be using it this year. Instead, I got my husband a chocolate orange. We used to get them at Christmas, but haven't for a while. My husband mentioned that he really like them, so when I saw them on clearance for $1 after Christmas, I snatched some up for Valentine's Day.

    1. Hi Live and Learn,
      What a deal! I'm sure your husband will really enjoy the chocolate orange.

  5. What a nice surprise! It must be the day for cookies. I baked a batch of my mom's molasses spice cookies this morning. I'm heading to the post office to mail some to my husband and some to a friend who could use a pick me up. I I also kept a few for us!

    1. Oops, mailing to my son. My husband can eat them when he gets home. My silly brain strikes again.

    2. Hi Kris,
      Oh, that's so nice that you could bake your mom's cookie recipe and cheer up others. Plus, I'm sure the three of you at home will enjoy them, too!

  6. Oh how sweet and heartwarming, linking your mom and daughter in one breath. Enjoy the cookies and all the memories. I would be tempted to hide a few in the freezer for enjoyment later. Creating beautiful memories is so good whenever and wherever we can.

    Enjoy your day,

    P.s. "enjoy" is my code word for this year. Recently, I borrowed the idea of finding a code word to help me remember what I wish for myself throughout the year.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I'm sentimental. The thought that my daughter could use her grandmother's cookie cutter, a grandmother she never had a chance to meet, felt really special to me. And then to bake/decorate some of the cookies just like my mother would was extra special.

      I like your code word. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening and every hour of tomorrow.

  7. I will also be making Valentine cookies - my husband loves frosted sugar cookies. In fact, they are his favorite dessert so he always helps cut out or frost them. And - I will be baking them in my clean oven! Thanks for the push Lili! Cleaning my two ovens has been on my list for about six months. You know how you just push such thoughts to the back of your mind when you don't really want to do something? Well, after reading your last post, I decided to just get it over with. I used your tips and my ovens look so nice, I almost don't want to bake in them. For the sake of delicious cookies however, I will.

    1. Hi Ruthie,
      Good job on cleaning your ovens!!! They seem almost new now, don't they? I had a minor spill in mine yesterday and I was quick to wipe it up after baking, so my oven could continue looking new and clean.
      Have fun cutting out and frosting your Valentine's cookies with your husband!

  8. I do have two rolls of refrigerator cookies in my fridge. They are usually done at Christmas but this year that didn’t work out so I decided to make the cookie dough a few weeks ago. I didn’t serve them to guests last week so may keep them for some additions to birthday cards or even Easter.
    Your daughter was adventurous and creative to put the time into this activity. How lovely with the cookie cutter to link a memory to your mother. My mother died when my oldest was 13 months old. I too link food, celebrations, traditions to what was done when I was growing up.
    For Valentine’s Day a few relatives are receiving shortbread I made in a mold. They look spectacular and two of my molds have hearts as an embossment onto the shortbread.
    In recent years I’ve been giving them as gifts because they are so cheap and cheerful. Have a nice day Lili, thanks for the memories.

    1. It was me Teresa above.

    2. Hi Teresa,
      Your shortbread sound so lovely. I've seen those molds before and thought they must make shortbread look so nice. And I agree, I'd think they'd make beautiful and inexpensive gifts.

      I'm so sorry that your mother passed away before your children could know her. Sharing our memories, through foods and celebrations, is one way to connect our kids to grandparents they didn't get a chance to know.

      Wishing you a wonderful Valentine's Day, Teresa!

    3. Do you watch All Creatures Great and Small? The latest episode on PBS featured shortbread baked in molds.

    4. Hi Kris,
      I've only watched a couple of episodes. I'll have to check out the latest one. Thanks for the heads-up!


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