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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Rest of My Week . . .

Here we are post-midweek for the end of June, almost the 4th of July. I've been working hard in the garden and refurbishing various outdoor furniture and decor items. Later this week, I get a day out. My two daughters promised to take me somewhere for my birthday. They took my husband/their dad out for a day back in late April. This week it's finally my turn. Yippee! I haven't had a full day off in ages. 

Our destination is the nearby farm community and small vintage town. We'll bring a picnic lunch to eat by the riverside. We've already begun to put some things together for our picnic. I roasted a whole chicken on Monday and carved then froze some of the breast meat to use in sandwiches. Since I can't have bread, I've bought a package of rice cakes that I can have. I also baked a batch of almond flour chocolate chip cookies and a batch of regular chocolate chip cookies to bring for dessert. If we have enough raspberries that are ripe, we'll bring those. And I've asked that we have some cold, cooked and marinated veggies. So, we'll cook and marinate those tomorrow. My daughters want to surprise me with a few other treats. In addition to the picnic lunch, we'll go into the antique and vintage shops, then visit a farm or two. 

Once we come home, I have a dinner in the freezer that will only need reheating. So it truly will be a day off for me.

Beyond this day out, I'm also preparing for our 4th of July celebration. My son and daughter-in-law join us every year for the 4th. We'll play some croquet, cookout over a fire, then set-off some fireworks. Our menu will be a simple one, the hot dogs, corn on the cob, watermelon, roasted baby potatoes and garlic scapes, sautéed garden greens and garlic, then s'mores for dessert.

What are your plans for the 4th of July? Have you come up with a menu yet? Will you be hosting or guesting? What's in your plans for the rest of this week?

I'll be taking the rest of this week off from blogging, but will post details about our day out Monday afternoon.

Wishing you all a wonderful rest of your week!


  1. Happy Birthday! Your day out sounds like the perfect birthday present. And you definitely can use a day off. Enjoy!

    1. Hi Live and Learn,
      Thank you. My birthday was in April. My daughters and I are just now finally getting around to going somewhere. So this is a belated birthday day off.
      Have a great weekend, Live and Learn!

  2. That sounds like my kind of a fun day out! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures with your daughters. My daughter is old enough now to be a fun buddy for little outings, and I love it. :)

    Your lunch sounds tasty. I hope you have a fun fourth. I'm not working that day but we aren't hosting anyone--just hanging out here together. My husband will be grilling dinner, hooray!

    1. Hi Kris,
      It's a lot of fun when daughters become old enough to enjoy some of the things we also enjoy. I'm glad your daughter has now reached that point in life for you.


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