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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Update on a growing project, plus my new growing experiment


This is one of several primrose plants that I started from seeds my daughters gave to me for my birthday this year. The plants are now the size I would buy from the store in early spring, just without any sign of blooms. I suspect they need a cold dormant period before they would flower. I will find a spot in our yard to plant them where I will see them blossom in early spring next year. I'm so tickled with how well this worked. I didn't start all of the seeds, in case I needed a do-over. But now that this worked so well, I'll start the rest of the seeds later this week.

And here is my latest experiment. These are apple seeds from one of our tree apples. I've got them wrapped in a damp paper towel in a loose plastic bag at the back of the fridge. Apple seeds need a cold and slightly moist period before planting in soil, known as stratification. After about 6 weeks, I'll pot these seeds in soil and see what happens. They won't produce fruit that is true to the tree the apple came from, as apples use cross-pollinators to produce fruit, and each resulting apple carries characteristics of both the fruiting tree and the rooster tree. But I think this will be interesting nonetheless. If I can coax one plant to grow, I'll find a place in our landscape for this new apple tree.

That's about it from me tonight. I hope your week has been a good one!


  1. Congratulations on the primrose plants! It's always fun when an experiment works out. I hope your apple seed one does as well.

    I haven't tried growing primrose, but grew pansies from seed this year and have been very pleased with the results. They do well here except in the hot part of summer, so I enjoyed them in spring and early summer and have a new batch started to go out when (IF) we ever cool down.

    1. Thank you, Cat!
      Good job on growing your pansies from seeds. That's so satisfying, isn't it, to grow garden flowers from seed instead of buying the plants.

  2. Primrose are so pretty, but they don't seem to do that well here. I'm not sure why. How nice it will be for you to see them blooming next spring.

    Makes perfect sense, but I've never heard a pollinating tree called a rooster tree. :)

    1. Hi Live and Learn,
      Looking forward to the blossoms in spring will help me get through the dark days off winter to come.
      I think one of our local nurseries calls pollinator trees roosters. Funny sounding, though.

  3. Years ago, someone planted primroses in front of our picture window, and they are still going strong, despite benign neglect. Hope that's your experience, too!

    1. Isn't that so nice, Kris, that these primroses have lasted so many years and now you get to enjoy them each spring.


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