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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

"Where flowers bloom, so does hope."

--Lady Bird Johnson

I'm taking a little break from writing Grocery Shopping Then and Now. I spent so much time writing the last 2 days that I got behind on my work at home. I wound up working much later than usual yesterday and am trying to finish the catch-up today. So, sorry about the interruption. 

What I did want to show you is an update on my primrose plants that I started from seeds last spring, posted about here. These were the seeds that my two daughters (lovely as flowers themselves) gave to me for my birthday. 

One of the plants began blooming in December. The blossoms are very pretty and much more peachy than I'd anticipated. I think I like these better than how I thought they would look. 

We're expecting snow in the next couple of days, and I wanted to show you what they looked like before the blossoms become affected with snow and frost.

There are more blossoms on the way. I'm very curious if they will have the same coloration or if they will be a slight variant. They should survive cold and snow just fine and will blossom a few weeks after this week's cold air goes away.

Be back tomorrow.


  1. Primrose plants are so pretty. I like the peach color of yours.

    We are experiencing a big shift in weather this week. Winter has arrived. We had a storm last night and school was canceled today. We're getting a clipper system tonight, but that should be minor. However, a big system is moving through Friday and Saturday. Lots of snow on the horizon for our area.

    1. Hi Kris,
      I'd never heard the term clipper system before. I had to look that one up. I checked the weather forecast for your area, and it sounds like you will be getting a lot of snow! Time to get out those snowshoes, right? I hope your power stays on through all of this. Try and stay cozy indoors.

      I really like this peach color primrose. In stores and nurseries, I usually see the hot pink, purple, yellow and white primroses. So this one feels unique to me.

  2. I like primroses, too, but have never had much luck with them. It's nice to see the cheery blooms in winter.

    1. Hi Live and Learn,
      Primroses do well in my area. From what I've read, they prefer partial shade and moist soil. I would also assume they like more moderate temperatures in summer. Our summers in the PNW typically see high temps in the 70s to low 80s most days.

      It's nice to have something cheerful to look at in my area's cloudy and dark winters.


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