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Thursday, February 1, 2024

Valentine Gifties From Dollar Tree, Grocery Outlet, and WinCo

I wanted to share some inexpensive gifts that I found in my favorite budget stores. These are for my two daughters for Valentine's Day. I'll have a filled tin for each of them.

From Dollar Tree:

  • a pair of cozy socks, $1.25, who doesn't love a pair of cozy socks? 
  • a small container of hand and body cream, $1.25, these are for normal to dry skin. I also bought one for extra dry skin for myself and I love it for my hands!
  • a bath bomb made to look like a conversation heart, $1.25, cute and Valentine-themed gift for gals
From Grocery Outlet (grocery salvage store):
  • Russell Stover dark chocolate covered marshmallow heart, 33 cents. These are $1 at Fred Meyer. And who wouldn't want something coated in dark chocolate?
From WinCo:
  • assorted foil-wrapped chocolate hearts, 94 cents from the bulk bins

If you're doing the math, each filled tin cost just over $5 plus tax on the Dollar Tree items. (The tins are reused every year.) 


  1. You are such a fun mom! Love this!

    I stumbled on this and thought you might enjoy it:

    1. Hi Kris,
      Oh, thank you for this link. Those cookies look amazing. And she gives good tips on how to give these a try. Thank you!

  2. You are very thoughtful and your family is very blessed to have you. My boys have never been that interested in Valentine's Day. In fact, when they had to address a Valentine to everyone in their class, it was torture because of their poor fine motor skills. That did nothing to endear them to the day.

    1. Hi Live and Learn,
      I can see how the early Valentine's experience would put a damper on the whole holiday in general for your sons. I also don't think guys are into Valentine's Day for the most part. But I do like doing things for the people I love, so I continue.


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