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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Internet Woes

Hi friends,

My landline and internet are down and may not be fixed for a couple of days. My cell phone has limited data, so I’m needing to prioritize how I use it. Our house is being reroofed and my husband thinks a wire got jiggled loose. Neither one of us know much about wiring, so we’ll wait until our service provider can come and fix it.

An interesting thing— when we lose internet, we all have trouble adjusting at first. After some moments wasted complaining, I finally got busy with jobs I’ve been wanting to do. I potted another lavender plant into the planter that I spray painted white, I’m baking another batch of French bread, I swept the patio near where my container lavender garden sits, and I spray painted several #10 cans lime green for planting my container basil garden this year. So I guess I’ve now adjusted to minimal internet access. 

What do you do when the internet goes down?


  1. For the younger crowd it would seem like the end of the world, but I sorta liked it when ours was out for about a week last fall (don't tell my husband though, he didn't adjust as well). I worked on crafts for a show, caught up on sleep, organized some closets and drawers that were neglected to long; it wasn't really that bad. I lost touch with national and local news, which is good sometimes.


  2. That reminds me of when my kids were young, one of their punishments was no screens (TV, computer, video games) for a week. They loved their screens, but they didn't miss a beat and played board games, instead. I'm not sure if it really was punishment, but they were happy when the week was over.
    Hope your internet gets fixed soon, but there are plenty of places with free internet, in case you need it. It seems, some business can't be done without the internet these days. Also, most libraries have computers you can use.

  3. Sorry to hear about your internet challenges. If I'm prepared with things to do (books, crafts, projects, etc), I don't mind being without, but I do need internet for some work tasks as well as some business tasks, so it's unsettling for me.


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