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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Sometimes, it's the little things that make a difference

Although the days are slowly getting longer, it's still so dark when I get up in the morning and then again in the evening.

The remote-controlled battery candles that were part of our spring front porch makeover have added a bit of light to my dark mornings and nights. I brought them into the house for winter, which I think is probably a good idea anyway -- keeping them out of the elements and all.

But it's more than just the additional light in the house. The flicker (although fake) of the candles adds old-time-y ambience. I have one candle in one of the lanterns (from the porch) in the family room and the other candle on a candle stand (from a free pile 2 or 3 years ago) in the living room. They serve as night lights during the hours when the living and family rooms aren't fully lit, when we're scattered each in our personal spaces at both the beginning and ending of each day.

I find it very comforting to pass the living or family room and see the flicker of light. And that extra little bit of light means we are not bumping around in the dark as we move between bedrooms and kitchen.

Bringing in the candles from the porch is just a little thing, but it added so much atmosphere to our home during these short days of winter.


  1. Light is so important during the short days. We don't have bulkheads above our cupboards so I string white Christmas tree lights on the top of the cupboards and we turn those on during the colder winter to add a little bit of ambiance to our evenings. I also have white lights strung in my Dutch valance in my living room that is on a timer and that too adds a nice touch at night. We enjoy sitting in a darker room with those lights on as we watch videos or a movie.

    1. Hi Alice,
      Your lights sound lovely! I can imagine the soft light they add to your living space in winter.

  2. I have a set of twinkle lights on my fireplace mantel and I keep it up most of the year. I find the gentle light soothing and pretty. There are so many battery operated lighting options available nowadays. I purchased a small rechargeable lamp before Christmas. I have moved it to different locations based on where I want a little extra lighting, and I have enjoyed it. It was on clearance at Meijer, so not a big expense. Plus, in the event of a power outage, these small lights give us more light options.

    1. Hi Kris,
      I love the sound of twinkle lights on the mantel in winter, post-Christmas.
      I agree, there are so many types of rechargeable or battery-powered lights these days. As you said, they're such a help during a power outage, too. We bought 2 rechargeable flashlights a couple of years ago. They stay in the outlet maintaining the charge unless we need light someplace.
      I haven't looked into rechargeable lamps. They sound intriguing. Do you have to recharge it very often?

    2. Yes, unfortunately it doesn't hold a charge for very long, maybe 2 or 3 hours at its brightest capacity, but I love being able to put it in areas without an outlet. You could probably review them on Amazon to find ones that hold a charge longer.

    3. That's a good idea, Kris, to read some reviews on Amazon. Thank you.

  3. I love candles too! They give me a sense of peace because light will always override darkness. Thank you for the reminder to turn mine on at night.

    1. Hi Ruthie,
      I hope you enjoy your candles this winter. I like your sentiment about the light overriding the darkness, metaphorically as well as physically.


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