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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Victoria magazine: one of my indulgences (*and a giveaway*)

I discovered Victoria magazine when my twins were toddlers. While at the library checking out picture books for them, I'd steal by the magazine rack and check out back issues of Victoria magazine. I loved the photos, the garden tours and the recipes. During toddler nap times, I'd escape to other lands as I envisioned beautiful places and sumptuous meals. I was hooked.

Victoria magazine went away for a couple of years. But when they came back, I decided to use some birthday money to give myself the gift of escape, once again. Every year now, I indulge myself and renew my subscription, using birthday or Christmas money.

In case you're not familiar, Victoria magazine appeals to those enamored with the vintage lifestyle. It's pages are filled with photos of lovely gardens, interesting travel destinations, vintage decorating, and entertainment ideas. While I couldn't live the Victoria lifestyle on a daily basis (my vintage china cannot go into the dishwasher, and I really don't want to hand wash dishes daily), it has provided inspiration for planning major holiday events in my home.

And now, I have the opportunity to give away 1 one-year subscription. The only qualification is you must have a USA address  If you'd like to enter to win this subscription to Victoria magazine, leave a comment below.

I understand that this magazine won't appeal to everyone, and that's okay with me (you won't hurt my feelings). But if you'd like a one-year subscription, please enter.

This drawing for 1 one-year subscription to Victoria magazine will remain open until 12-midnight PDT, Tuesday, July 1, 2014. The winner will be announced in my regular post on July 3, 2014.


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