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Friday, October 3, 2014

Sometimes plans have to change, right?

I had planned on getting my September grocery journal posted today, but couldn't finish it up yesterday, as our internet access went out in the afternoon and didn't come back on until sometime in the middle of the night.

The downside, I couldn't do online things. The upside, no distractions in the evening, so I went to bed early, which I very much needed. There's always a silver lining to clouds, isn't there?

I'll get the journal finished up very soon, and have it posted. It's a doozy -- I spent a LOT! But, now that you understand we have some special nutritional needs in our household, when I find specific foods priced very low, I buy all I can, so I can meet those needs.

Beautiful things around here. . .

I bought 2 small mum plants on clearance (79 cents each) at the grocery store last month, planted in pots, then completely forgot to water them in our warm September. The existing blooms died, but I cut them off, and new buds have formed and are now unfolding new blooms. Even more beautiful, the violas and pansies that I got on clearance in spring, and put into pots for the deck are STILL blooming.

The tips of the vine maple trees on the border of the property are just turning autumn colors. Very pretty and a delight every time I step out the back door.

I cut some blooms from the hydrangea, and put in water for the kitchen table many weeks ago. When the water level went down (and I forgot to add more), the blooms dried and stayed their blue color, without going limp. I now have hydrangea blooms for a vase for the winter! Who knew my neglect could be a good thing?!

Our next door neighbor just this week became a grandmother of a beautiful little girl, her very first grandchild! I have a Kohl's $10 coupon to use this weekend, and will go pick out something for the new little baby.

Our car had issues this week, and needed repairs. Doesn't sound like anything wonderful could come from that, right? But, every single person that I encountered through this was soooo kind. They gave me rides places, and as soon as a loaner car freed up, they set it aside for me. And one woman even was kind enough to listen to me the day that I picked up the car, and was having a too-stressed moment. It has been a stressful week (month, year, life . . .), and these people really set my mood back in order. Now that's a beautiful thing!

I hope your week went well and you have a lovely weekend! Be back on Monday with the grocery journal for September!



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