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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How I deal with those super large blocks of frozen leafy greens

I buy frozen spinach and collard greens in 3-lb blocks at the restaurant supply (Cash & Carry). Last month, I found the frozen spinach on sale for $2.49/3-lb block. This works out to about 83 cents per pound, or about 52 cents for the equivalent amount in a 10-oz box, typically sold in the traditional grocery store.

The caveat? A 3-lb box of frozen greens isn't so straightforward to deal with. So, how do I use this large of a package?

When I get my groceries home from the store, I set the block of greens on the counter and allow it to sit for about 10 minutes or so, while I put everything else away.

At this point, the block is still mostly frozen, but I'm able to cut it into chunks.

I use my serrated bread knife, and cut the block, packaging and all, in half.

Then I cut each half, in half, leaving me with four 12-oz portions. I wrap each smaller block and pop into them freezer.

It's a few minutes of extra work, but saves me money in the long run.



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