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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

My winter pj's are looking a bit shabby . .

. . .and I won't be showing them to you!!

So, although we're still mid-summer, I am thinking about my winter pj's.

I lost 1 pair of pj pants last winter when they could no longer be patched or repaired. Another pair of pj pants are definitely on their last legs. I've been repairing this pair for the last 2 years, and the fabric is now getting rather thin.

And my pj tops, well, they've seen better days. I've been wearing a couple of long-sleeve t-shirts that had become too stretched out, stained with a torn seam here and there, to actually be worn as outerwear.

As well, I admit it, I just want prettier pj's this year.

Sunday afternoon, I took my 2 daughters to St Vincent de Paul (local thrift store), for their 99-cent-all-clothing sale (every Sunday), as they were needing some new jeans for work this summer. While they were trying on jeans, I was perusing the clothing aisles for myself. I found what I was thinking was just a t-shirt that I thought would be cute on one of my daughters. Showing it to her, she said, "that would be a really cute pajama top". That's when we both noticed the label said "sleepwear". Okay, so, being occasionally selfish, I responded, "second thought, not a cute t-shirt for you, but a new pajama top for me!" Moms get to have new stuff, too!

So, 99 cents and I have the first part of my new winter pj set. I thought I'd check out Jo Ann Fabrics for some cute flannel for the pants, using a pattern I've had and used several times (I last used this pattern for my daughters pj pants Valentine's Day 2013). Having used that pattern many times, I know just how little fabric I can get by with. As soon as I choose some fabric, I'll show you what I found.

No more tattered winter pj's for me!


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