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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Soft Tacos and More Jam Cookies

I know that I am overtired, this week. I believe that is contributing to my current funk. However, I was able to make significant progress, yesterday afternoon, on my work, which is a huge relief. I do wonder why I set myself up for such hard work, sometimes.

When planning a quick to fix dinner, I find myself beginning the mental prep work while I'm fixing my breakfast. By doing this early in the day, I can rummage through the freezers and pantry to find suitable ingredients, and still have time for them to thaw. Yesterday morning, my thoughts ran to Mexican food. Fortunately, I had flour tortillas, raw chicken, and cooked black beans in the freezer. Add a can of corn, some olives, lettuce and the last of the salsa, and I think we're in business. Soft tacos and corn -- simple, satisfying and delicious.

I did take a few minutes to make a sweet treat. This is yet another simple way to make jam cookies. Instead of balls, you cut rolled out dough into squares, dollop with jam, and fold the points in toward the center on two sides, then bake. After Christmas, I found several packages of sugar cookie dough, pre-rolled out, on markdown. I paid 55 cents per package, even though the tag says 69 cents.

This is really very handy cookie dough. I don't know if I would pay full price, but if I see it marked down in the future, I will buy it again.

I cut the dough into squares.

Topped each with a spoon of jam.

Folded the corners in to the center.

Baked. And here's what they look like once done.


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