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Monday, December 16, 2019

My No-Cost Gift Presentation for Homemade Earrings

I've written and photo'd my earrings that I made this fall to give for holiday gifts. I'm now finished with all of the pairs of earrings that I've wanted to make for this season. The task, now, is to package them as nicely as I can without incurring extra cost.

This is what I've come up with. Small rectangles of card stock that were spray painted along the edges (posted here) that I then used decorative edge scissors along one long edge, after which I poked small holes with a straight pin for hanging/fixing the ear wires. I'm satisfied with how this looks for gift presentation.

I made 10 pairs of earrings for gifting this year. Some are variations of the same design, while other designs were made for just one pair. Here are the last few that I finished, with the snowmen in the upper left as the only pair that I don't think I shared with you.

I hope that any handmade gifts that you've been working on are now about wrapped up, and you can take a little time to relax and enjoy the season.


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