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Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Leap Month of Little Joys and Satisfactions: It Feels Like Spring, Plus Free Coffee Grounds for the Garden

Another sunny day, here. My tiny potted primrose that I brought in from the deck almost 3 weeks ago is doing well in the window. 

The rhubarb is up.

When grocery shopping, I approached the Starbuck's kiosk and asked if they had any used coffee grounds for gardeners. The gal pointed to a basket of these free "silver bullets." Coffee grounds can be incorporated into garden soil or added to composting material. The used grounds have little in the way of nutrients for the garden, but are good at aerating soil if stirred in. Here's a quickie article from Oregon State University on what used coffee grounds can and cannot do for your soil. I'll be stirring these used coffee grounds into the nitrogen-fortified soil that I'm preparing for transplanted blueberry bushes. 

Spring is such a happy time of year for me. Fat little robins, spring blossoms, longer days -- what's not to love?!


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