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Thursday, April 2, 2020

Gardening Therapy

In this very surreal time, I have to force myself to do some of the ordinary things around the house and yard, just to stay sane.

Yesterday, April 1, it was a chilly day with periods of sunshine as well as rain. I had decided that the first of April would be the day I plant potatoes. In addition to seed potatoes from last fall, I also found a few grocery store potatoes that had sprouted to add to the bunch. I don't know how well grocery store potatoes will do in the home garden, but I thought it was worth a try. My seed potatoes are a purple fingerling variety, which are nice, but sometimes I want just a regular old white potato. If the store potatoes work, then I'll count myself lucky. I planted 2 of the 3 rows of potatoes yesterday.

In addition, I moved blueberry bush number 3 (out of 4) to its new, much sunnier spot. I'm hoping it will be much happier and produce lots more berries in this new location.

As I was finishing with the potatoes, a rain cloud burst upon me and watered everything in well.

Over the weekend, I started winter and summer squash indoors. They've yet to sprout, but I'm hopeful. My garden is only so big, so I've been eyeing other sunny spots for some of these vegetable plants. A bush zucchini or two will blend into a bed of perennials. And the vining squash will cover a bare spot near the lawn. A bit of an edible landscape idea going on, here.

What are you doing to distract yourself these days?


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