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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Cheap & Cheerful Suppers: I missed a week, so here's a post of 2 weeks of meals

Last week I skipped posting our suppers. I had something else I wanted to post about that day. So today I'll post both this and last week's meals.

You may notice a change in dishes and a peek at a change in tablecloth. November 1 is my day each year to switch our Rose Chintz dishes for Friendly Village (and turkey plates for the month of November only). An exception, I spy the use of a Friendly Village bowl on top of a Rose Chintz plate. I think we needed the larger bowls that night.

You may also notice more pumpkin in our meals. I love, love, love pumpkin. My favorite way to have our pumpkin is in cubes, roasted. I often cube a few slices of Sugar Pie pumpkin and roast it for our lunch along with some purple potatoes. So delicious!

Last weekend I harvested all of the celery. I chopped the top leaves for the freezer and washed and wrapped the rest in a couple of tea towels and plastic bags, then stashed in the fridge to use this month. Many of this weeks meals had some celery in them, including a cream of celery soup, an apple and celery salad, in savory bread stuffing, and in a couple of different vegetable soups.

Onto our meals from the last 2 weeks . . .


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