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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Cheap & Cheerful Suppers: I missed a week, so here's a post of 2 weeks of meals

Last week I skipped posting our suppers. I had something else I wanted to post about that day. So today I'll post both this and last week's meals.

You may notice a change in dishes and a peek at a change in tablecloth. November 1 is my day each year to switch our Rose Chintz dishes for Friendly Village (and turkey plates for the month of November only). An exception, I spy the use of a Friendly Village bowl on top of a Rose Chintz plate. I think we needed the larger bowls that night.

You may also notice more pumpkin in our meals. I love, love, love pumpkin. My favorite way to have our pumpkin is in cubes, roasted. I often cube a few slices of Sugar Pie pumpkin and roast it for our lunch along with some purple potatoes. So delicious!

Last weekend I harvested all of the celery. I chopped the top leaves for the freezer and washed and wrapped the rest in a couple of tea towels and plastic bags, then stashed in the fridge to use this month. Many of this weeks meals had some celery in them, including a cream of celery soup, an apple and celery salad, in savory bread stuffing, and in a couple of different vegetable soups.

Onto our meals from the last 2 weeks . . .

Friday, October 28
toasted cheese sandwiches
curried carrot leaf and apple soup
cabbage and sprout slaw

Saturday, October 29
chicken and vegetable soup
homemade tortillas
apple chunks topped with homemade caramel sauce

Sunday, October 30
pepperoni eggs
fresh tomato wedges
roasted pumpkin
leftover tortillas

Monday, October 31
pepperoni and pepper pizza
cinnamon apple compote

Tuesday, November 1 (would have been my mother's 85th birthday today)
pumpkin soup
tuna sandwiches
tossed salad

Wednesday, November 2
green peppers and eggs
sautéed cabbage
pumpkin souffle
brown rice

Thursday, November 3
cabbage patch soup
blackberry coffeecake

Friday, November 4
pepperoni pizza
canned peaches and last of the season raspberries

Saturday, November 5
turnip green frittata
celery, apple, pecan salad

Sunday, November 6
lentil and Swiss chard soup
scratch biscuits

Monday, November 7
baked beans and hot dogs
bread, celery, onion & sage stuffing
roasted pumpkin cubes
roasted turnips
roasted purple potatoes

Tuesday, November 8
homemade cream of celery soup
rice and refried beans topped with cheese
cabbage slaw

Wednesday, November 9
turkey, vegetables & dumplings

Thursday, November 10
Live and Learn's curried peanut-pumpkin soup
egg and cheese strata
last of the fresh tomatoes

Our breakfasts included oatmeal, pancakes w/ blackberry syrup, toast, peanut butter, eggs, milk, yogurt, blackberries, crabapple sauce, coffee, tea

Our lunches included egg salad sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, leftover soup, roasted vegetables, cinnamon apple compote, spiced apple and crabapple cider, variations of cabbage-sprouts-celery-apple salads, scratch yellow cake topped with chocolate frosting, crabapple sauce snack cake

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! And say thank you to a veteran.


  1. Good hearty meals to warm the soul! I never can remember what we had but here's what I can remember.
    Tortellini/sausage/kale soup, chicken and rice casserole, big salads, homemade bread, beef steak in the instant pot, pork steak, chicken flavored rice, broccoli, mashed potatoes, beef roast, cranberry fluff, oatmeal with peach cubes, eggs and bacon on toast, chips and cheese, KFC bowls with pork instead of chicken, sugared pecan biscotti, pasties. I feel like there was more but I can't think of it right now.

    1. Oh, spaghetti and then later it was spaghetti bake both with homemade bread garlic toast.

    2. Hi Alice,
      Yum, your meals sound delicious! They also sound like they're reflecting cooler weather.
      I hope you have a good week.

  2. I would have loved eating at your house the last two weeks with all of the soups you had.(Not that I wouldn't want to eat at your house every week with your varied and delicious looking meals.) I had forgotten about the pumpkin soup. That needs to work into the menu sometime here. Otherwise, I don't remember what we've had to eat except tacos, shepherd's pie, and a roasted chicken.

    1. Hi Live and Learn,
      You know, I make your pumpkin soup several times per year. We all enjoy it and its very filling. Thanks again for posting about that one.

  3. It's fun to see your different plates! A few of our meals lately ..... sausage/lentil soup, BBQ chicken, smorgasbord of both of those, Thai chicken over polenta. Tonight we will have my daughter's friends over for her (belated) birthday party. I'm hitting the easy button and serving a heat-and-serve macaroni and cheese bar (different toppings to go on the mac and cheese). We have carrot sticks/ranch dressing to pretend that we are being healthy. I made a frosted 13x9 cake and the girls will do their usual activity of adding a ridiculous amount of icing/sprinkles to "decorate" the cake. Seems like that activity never gets old for them. It certainly qualifies as a budget entertainment activity. :)

    1. Hi Kris,
      Happy belated birthday to your daughter, Kris! I love your idea for a mac and cheese bar. I bet they had a great time decorating the cake. That's such a great idea! Definitely budget and easy for you, too.
      Have a great week, Kris!


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