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Sunday, June 29, 2014

This week's lunch round-up

It's a short work week, with Friday as a holiday, so I'll prepare a little less in my round-up. (If you're thinking, "what in the world is she talking about, lunch round-up?", see this post.)

So, for this week, I'll be making:

"neatballs" (bean-based meatballs, recipe here, and thanks to Belinda from The Frugal Workshop as her post last week reminded me to make neatballs again soon) -- I made a large batch of marinara last Wednesday, now in the freezer. I'll get a container out and the family can put together "neatballs" and sauce. With the "neatballs", I'll add,

garlic bread -- I have 1 loaf of French bread left in the freezer, from big-batch baking early in June. Split open, spread with homemade garlic butter, oven-toast and cut into chunks. I have a feeling these will go quickly.

mixed salad greens and shredded carrots, undressed -- I'll pick, wash and tear 3 salad spinners full of various salad greens from the garden. Wrap in a large dishtowel, then slide into a large plastic bag, and the lettuce will stay fresh and crisp all week. Add in 1 or 2 carrots, shredded. To this, I'll make up a jar of salad dressing, probably 1000 Island, always a favorite here.

a pan of rosemary polenta -- also delicious when topped with marinara, and super simple to make

individual cups of blackberry-rhubarb sauce -- I use small, 10 oz peanut butter jars with screw top lids. Dollar Tree sells these small jars of peanut butter. The jars are great for lunch items that might be a tad leaky.

a half-dozen boiled eggs

For the week, there will be 3 different fruit or vegetable options, 2 grains and 2 protein items. I estimate this will take about 1 & 1/2 hours to prepare. These lunch options will be supplemented with pbj sandwiches.


  1. I never seem to think of making hard-boiled eggs except at Easter, but I should, as it's easy and a great protein source.

    We fight over blueberry-rhubarb sauce around here. :) SO yummy.

    1. Hi Kris,
      Mmmm blueberry-rhubarb sauce sounds yummy. Blueberries are far too valuable, here to use in rhubarb sauce. Consider yourself lucky that you have so many where you are!

      We do hard-boiled eggs a lot here, as I can so easily make them. Then they can be eaten as is, in egg salad sandwiches or as deviled eggs. Just an easier thing for me.

    2. Oh and I almost forgot, one of my favorite lunches or breakfasts -- chopped boiled egg on buttered toast. If I can't think of anything else to make for myself, this is easy and I enjoy it.

    3. Blackberries are about a dollar a berry here, so we each have regional fruits we can enjoy. :) I bet your combination is similar to mine--something sweeter to balance out the rhubarb. And we really do fight over the sauce!

    4. I guess blackberry pie is only for the millionaires in your area!

  2. We go in hard boiled egg phases. We will eat them for a week or two and then be tired of them for a while. I think I feel a phase coming on.

    1. Hi live and learn,
      Our boiled egg phases usually coincide with getting a bunch of eggs on sale. So there's some "natural" spacing in how often we have them. But I could get tired of them, too. I mostly like how easy they are to "make".

  3. Hi Lili,
    We also are going through a boiled egg phase (on sale ) . I canned French Onion soup with my surplus from last years onions along with egg salad sandwiches this makes for a easy dinner when it is hot. I was able to buy hot dogs at .79 a package this week so we will have these for lunch on the weekends when hubby is home along with homemade relish I canned from last years zuccini. Thanks for your work on this blog I do appreciate all you do. I have been reading for awhile now it is so helpful !!

    1. Hi there,
      Thanks for the kind words, I do appreciate them.
      I think sandwiches are in order for our dinner tonight, as it's warming up today! That's a great deal you found on hot dogs. I'm still waiting to see the ads that come out this afternoon, to see if there will be any spectacular deals on hot dogs or anything else for the 4th.

  4. I pack my husband's lunches (since he is away four days a week) on Sunday afternoon. He requests hearty vegetable salads and I normally add a hard boiled egg to each.

    We haven't made meatballs in a while. I think I may have to rectify that.

    1. Hi Shara,
      Good to hear from you. I'll be checking your blog to see what you've been up to lately!
      Boiled eggs seem to be a universal food for lunches. They are great sources of protein and in such a tidy little package -- no need to even wrap them up.
      Thanks for popping in!


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