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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

This week's lunch round-up -- need a bit extra for one family member

Just as I get comfortable with our schedule, everything changes, again. But this is a good thing. I just need to adjust.

One of my daughters is pursuing a double major -- theater and education. Ultimately, she'd like to teach, and/or work in children's theater or television. Well, she auditioned for the spring production on campus and got the part she wanted. She's very excited, as this is her first main-stage production. However, schedules need to be altered for the next 3 months, as she'll have evening rehearsals 4 nights, and 1 weekend day, per week. She won't have the opportunity to come home and get a bite to eat most of the week, so she'll need to pack extra with her, to cover lunch and dinner each day. (And since she often takes breakfast to go as well, she practically needs another backpack just to carry a day's worth of edibles!!)

Sunday afternoon I baked a large batch of pumpkin muffins and a toaster-oven full of potatoes. I also made a bunch of peanut butter sandwiches. (I don't put jelly on them, as that just seeps through the bread after sitting in the fridge for a few days.) And I put plain yogurt into screw top plastic containers. Family can add berries or fruit syrup to the yogurt in the AMs, according to their preference.

For additional items, I made a pot of tomato-basil soup, plus some mini ham buns. I was making sandwich bread on Monday, and wanted to make 1 portion of dough into small buns, so I added an egg and some milk to the whole batch of dough, to make it more bun-like.

So, here's the round-up:
  • tomato-basil soup
  • ham buns
  • peanut butter sandwiches
  • pumpkin muffins
  • baked potatoes
  • yogurt
  • fresh oranges
  • prunes from last summer's harvest
Yummy, quick and inexpensive!!



  1. Sounds like good lunches. We moms have to be ever-flexible, don't we? Congrats to your daughter. She will have a blast with her theater production.

    1. Thanks,Kris! I'll pass on your congratulations.

  2. Congratulations to you daughter. Pretty good for an underclassman. :)

    1. Hi live and learn,
      I'll convey your congrats. She's really excited. I go to most of the plays at their university, so this will be a special treat to see her in one of them.

  3. Congratulations to your daughter, that is so exciting! I have a performing arts kiddo as well, so I understand about staying flexible and planning for meals away from home.

    1. Hi Sharon,
      So, you've been there! It's exciting for them. (But they do have some awful hours at times. All part of the life, I guess.)

  4. Congratulations to your daughter!

    I am finding adjusting to daughter's college schedule -- with the change in my schedule from driving her back and forth, helping with her books, etc. -- since she isn't cleared to lift things -- to require some planning on my part. She has an hour break for lunch and we have to switch out her books during that time, so we are relying on quick fix items I'm keeping in the fridge. Today it was leftover pinto beans with cheese in tortilla wraps...filling, warm on a cold day, quick and frugal.

    I'm still trying to figure out the best method for us so I'm definitely keeping a watch on your menus.

    1. Hi Shara,
      This week has been a learning curve for me, with meal prep. Yesterday especially. I had a class in the evening for myself, then had to drive downtown to get both of my daughters at 10 PM, back home around 10:30. So, I made dinner early in the day, and made a super large amount. We had some of the tomato soup and ham buns for last night's dinner. And the leftovers have now doubled as to-go lunches.
      My daughters had both packed a lot to eat, with them for the day, but still, by 10:30PM they were hungry again, and had a very late supper.
      I just keep telling myself that this is just temporary. Schedules will feel normal again, someday.
      I hope your daughter is enjoying her college classes!

  5. Sounds yummy! I look forward (as always) to following your away-from-home meal ideas.
    Best wishes to your daughter on her role : )
    Jo Ann

    1. Hi Jo Ann,
      Thank you. And I'll convey your good wishes to my daughter!


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