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Thursday, December 7, 2017

Lentil Love

I spent a very long afternoon in a waiting room yesterday (for a family member, not me). Fortunately. they had free coffee and tea. I think I personally emptied their pot of decaf. I meant to grab a banana on my way out the door, but got side-tracked printing out a map. All I had to eat in my purse was a tiny candy cane and a few Tums. Not exactly gourmet dining. By the time we got home it was 4:30 and I had nothing made for dinner, or even partly made, and I was pretty hungry. Lentils to the rescue.

I worked as hard and fast as I could and managed to get a lentil, sausage, and vegetable soup plus Yorkshire pudding made by 5:45. I added some applesauce for everyone, and dinner was ready for the table.

So, what I love about lentils --

  • they're fast, taking about 40 minutes, or so, to cook till tender
  • they don't need pre-soaking
  • they're high in fiber (and we know why that's important)
  • they're packed with protein -- the Harvard School of Public Health ranked them above beef, chicken and fish for a protein source, to reduce the onset of major diseases
  • they're a good source of folate and iron, two nutrients important for women's health 
  • they're cheap 
I have another, similar appointment to attend on Friday. I think I'll plan ahead a little better.


  1. The soup looks delicious, especially all the veggies with the lentils. Good for you for cooking when you were tired. When I am tired or don't feel good is when it's hardest for me to cook.

  2. Oh, no! I hope that family members feels better.

    Instant pot?!

    I haven't used my crockpot in a while but today we woke up to about 3 inches of snow and more falling so I quickly threw together a bourbon chicken that I saw online. Hopefully we will like it.

    Hubby and I went to another Aldi grand opening this morning hoping to get a golden ticket but we only got $10 cards. That's OK, we got our groceries for free today! Last time we went to a different grand opening and hubby got a $100 gift card.

    We woke up to 3+ inches of snow and it's still snowing. Winter is here!


  3. Ugh, I hate days like that. You did well.

    I like lentils, but they don't always like me. :)

    Alice and I are in the same band of weather. Since I was home and needed to put up Christmas decorations today, it was festive--but I'm so glad I didn't need to be on the roads!


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