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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Filling the Tins: Peppermint and White Chocolate Covered Pretzels

No baking skill required.
These sweet pretzels will fill one of the medium-sized tins in my tower. A batch of 60 pretzels took 30 minutes of time and cost about $2.00. The pretzels and candy canes were from Dollar Tree, and the white chocolate was a combination of white baking chocolate and vanilla candy coating (I had the two items in my pantry). I used less than half the bag of pretzels, about half a bag of white baking chips, and 11 mini candy canes. I also used Crisco shortening to obtain a good dipping viscosity to the baking chips.

I prepared my candy cane pieces by laying the canes in the individual packages on the counter, and I broke them up with a hammer.

When I was ready to sprinkle the candy cane bits, I simply snipped the end off of each package and poured out.

I melted the baking chips in a shallow dish in the microwave, adding the Crisco in small amounts until it was the right consistency. A fork works well for tossing and removing the dipped pretzels.

I worked on 15 pretzels at a time. Dipping, then placing on a waxed paper-covered baking sheet.

Next, I sprinkled them with peppermint bits, then I began another 15 pretzels. Once the baking sheet was full, I slipped it into the fridge.

While the pretzels firmed up, I prepared the tin by lining with waxed paper. Do you know how to make a sheet of waxed or tissue paper fit a box or tin near perfectly without cutting? This is a little trick I learned in a gift-wrapping job when I was young. 

You hold the sheet of paper over your empty tin or box and fold up a portion, in the very center of the paper, until the near and far edges of the paper fit the opening. Then you crease the paper into place.

This is half of the batch. I'll add a couple more when the second tray comes out of the fridge, and there will be some leftover for our family.

I made these with white chocolate because that is the type of which I have a surplus. Semi-sweet chocolate is also delicious on pretzels, with or without candy cane bits, and it's even easier to get to the right dipping consistency. White chocolate has a higher sugar content than semi-sweet and care needs to be taken when melting it, lest it scorch. Use brief bursts of time in the microwave, and remelt the dipping chocolate as needed during the dipping process.


  1. Oh, they look so nice, Lili. They are going to make a wonderful gift.

  2. It's fun watching your tower fill. Looking forward to seeing what's in the next tin.

    1. I've got to get it all finished up in the next day or two, so you'll be seeing the final product vey soon, live and learn.

  3. I'm enjoying watch this sequence unfold as well. I've made these before, though mine weren't quite as festive. I liked the hint yesterday re: adding salt to the popcorn oil. I never thought of that either! Thanks Lili. You are definitely creative and I can't wait to see the completed tower!

    1. Hi Lynn,
      I never would have thought to add the salt to the oil, either. However, apparently, that is how movie houses do it (or at least the one where my daughter's friend worked).

  4. Another great idea! And thank you for the hint on folding the wax paper--I tend to struggle with making any kind of wrapping look neat and tidy.

    I have your nuts in the oven as I type this ... I'm a little nervous (I always am when trying out a new recipe). They sure smell good!

    1. I'm nervous, too, when trying out a new recipe, or even trying an old one that I haven't made in a while.


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