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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

What Are You Looking Forward to This Spring?

I'm rather worn down these days, so I began to think positively about the next few months. I came up with a list of what I'm looking forward to this spring.
  • Easter
  • bulb flowers like tulips and daffodils and bringing some flowers indoors
  • driving north to either the daffodil or tulip festival in the Skagit Valley 
  • longer days, lighter evenings, warmer temperatures
  • eating some meals outside
  • getting the taxes finished 
  • bird-watching in my backyard (and hoping the birds that built a nest in a hanging basket last year come back this year)
  • setting up a permanent spot for my sewing machine and buying some fabric to sew (using a gift card)
  • long walks
  • farmer's markets starting up again
What are you most looking forward to this spring?


  1. I'm sorry you're feeling worn down. Hopefully, spring will improve that!

    Things I'm looking forward to:
    *less brutal wind on my morning walks
    *having daylight longer into the evening
    *a spring break backpacking trip with my husband and the two youngest kids, our sons (this will be a new experience for them)
    *watching the veggies grow
    *already enjoying daffodils and hyacinths and watching tulip foliage pop up
    *planting out more flowers and veggies
    *hopefully, decent rain this year to break the drought

  2. You've had a lot going on recently, Lili. I'm not surprised that you're worn down. I hope you can look forward to some calmer times. As for me, even though this winter has been relatively mild, I am looking forward to warmer weather, more hikes, and time in the yard.

  3. A good break and rest would be so nice for you. Lately, I've been feeling angst, lost, stuck...not sure, but it bothers me that the days go by so fast yet nothing accomplished. I know because I keep a tiny daily journal and write down what I've done or what has happened in my life. I write pretty much the same things everyday. I try to have an agenda for the week, things to do, but I wish there would be forward momentum and growth. Especially in crafting, I don't seem able to take risks and be bold. My guess is maybe I don't want to and stubbornly want to do the same things.

    My word for this year is ENJOY. Maybe not rating how my day went is a start. Last night, I commented to my husband that I question why I live so meager and spartan when we don't have to. We're able to live within our means and still save. He suggested that next time we're out we should not care about price/value and buy what we want just for one day. I revolted in shock at the idea. That's not me!! I've pushed myself so far in the sensible, frugal corner it is not easy to let go and simply enjoy.

    I am hoping to try new things and grow out of my same old, same old patterns. After making good effort and I dont succeed I will accept that I don't want to change, and that will be that. Sometimes, our expectations can get in the way.

    Have a good day,

    1. Laura, I'm sorry that you seem to be struggling. I sometimes feel frustrated with my same-old, same-old daily patterns and feel like I should somehow be accomplishing more. I'm not sure what exactly I want to accomplish or how I would measure success, and maybe part of the problem is that it can be hard to see the value in the repetitive daily things we do to keep our households/lives running smoothly?

      Maybe instead of buying what you want for one day, you could consider spending *slightly* more on an item or experience than what you normally would--it might not seem like such a leap. Or maybe not. :)

    2. Thank you Kris for your kind thoughts and perspective. I like the idea of spending slightly more on a few things rather than splurging one day. I think it's because I'm not getting younger, that I'm growing anxious about my life. I want to make some changes and grow in areas that are difficult (like improving some skills) before I cannot (starting to have memory glitches). I also need to find balance and let go of expectations. I know it doesn't get easier and a decade or two from now, I will be satisfied just to be independent and live without assistance.


    3. Laura, growing in areas that are difficult sounds like a great goal (one that all of us should aspire to). I work with elderly people/disabled people and I love to hear a growth mindset. I'm getting to the age where I'm trying to experience what I can (hiking, snowshoeing, that kind of thing) while I can because I know that those abilities will eventually fade, and I don't want to have regrets about not doing things while I have the physical and mental skills to do so.

    4. Kris, sounds like a very good idea to enjoy the more challenging activities now when you can. Time seems to creep faster the older we are. I often say to myself, wish I had forty more years then I wouldn't be so angst.

      Lili, it's been years since I sewed a garment from yardage. I bought some patterns from Savers for my granddaughter thinking I should sew for her. If I start soon maybe I can finish it for her Easter.

    5. Enjoy your day,

  4. I hope you feel better, Lili.

    I am already enjoying the longer days, and we've had sunshine recently, which brightens my mood and energy levels. Watching the bulb flowers grow is a highlight, and hearing the chirping of the birds is something I look forward to.


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