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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Well, today didn't go as planned

So, this is a busy week for me, with Holy Week, Easter preparations, expecting company on Sunday, and needing to get the deck and patio cleaned up. As you can imagine, I had a list of stuff to get to today. Just after 9 AM, some sort of stomach bug set in and my day was wrecked. Rather than be upset about missing a day of my work, I decided to find the blessings in this. 

Oftentimes the blessings aren't in the thing itself, but in the things and people who surround us. First on my list of blessings is my daughters can cook and pitch in for me. One daughter made dinner and dessert for the family tonight, allowing me time to rest and keeping me out of the kitchen where I might possibly getting someone else sick.

My schedule is flexible and I can do my to-do list tomorrow and the next day or two. And doubly grateful I no longer have small children at home who would still need me during the day, even when sick.

I got the taxes in last week, so that is not lurking in the back of my mind.

It's too cold to plant anything in the garden this week. So I don't have to feel guilty about not getting around to that.

It's just mid-week, so I still have time to get to Easter prep. And, my family will understand if the holiday doesn't have all the bells and whistles or if the house is not completely clean. I am glad that I cleaned the powder room and set the dining room table on Monday, so at least I can appear to be hospitable. 

The true meaning of Holy Week and Easter can't be negated by a minor illness. 

I'm generally not a napper, so being forced to nap was welcome today.

While I'm not happy I got sick, I am grateful for all of the blessings in my life despite being sick. Hopefully I'll be myself tomorrow.

Have a great day, friends!


  1. I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hoping you're back to feeling like yourself very quickly!

  2. Ugh! Stomach bugs are the worst. You certainly made lemonade out of lemons when you looked for the positives. Hope this illness is short-lived.

  3. Lynn from NC Outer BanksApril 5, 2023 at 5:08 AM

    As you said, the other things can wait, or be done in time. Feel better soon!

  4. What a beautiful attitude and good example for all! Get well.soon! Easter Blessings wis hug ed for you and your family.

  5. Thanks, friends. It's now over 24 hours from first feeling sick and I'm all better. I was able to get a lot of work done today and am making headway on my list of tasks.
    Thank you all of you who were wishing me well!


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