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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Cheap & Cheerful Suppers Using Up Odds and Ends

scratch pepperoni pizza, using tomato paste and dried tomatoes in the sauce
Cole slaw, using a leftover dressing packet from a salad kit last month
apple wedges
chocolate chip cookies

various leftovers turned into soup (lentil soup from earlier in the week stretched with leftover lentils, rice, and veggies)
homemade tortilla chips

peanut butter sauce with frozen spinach over
mix of brown and white rice
buttered carrots
leftover cake

beef and bean enchiladas
Cole slaw
leftover cake

leftover enchiladas
steamed carrots

tuna noodle casserole
steamed broccoli

tofu and vegetable stir fry
brown rice
pumpkin souffle
pumpkin chocolate chip snack cake

This was an exhausting week for me. I did my best with meals. I'm rushing to get the garden planted at the same time I'm juggling medical and dental appointments. This past Wednesday I had another long dental appointment, another crown. This one exhausted me. I did very little after coming home. But I did rouse myself enough to make a soft dinner. Thursday's dinner was another soft one. The nerves in my mouth are easily irritated still. I slept poorly Wednesday night. I'm hoping tonight's sleep is much better. I go in for more testing to see how my thyroid is doing on Monday. I'm hoping that there's been some improvement.

My husband pitched in on Saturday and Sunday and my daughters made the enchilada dinners on Monday and Tuesday. I'm thankful that I didn't have to cook every night. Thursday I got a bit of an energy burst and did some extra cooking and garden-harvesting so there's plenty of easy foods to grab. I picked a bunch of kale, turnip greens, Brussel sprout leaves, and watercress today. I washed it all, used some in dinner, then put the rest in containers in the fridge for lunches the next couple of days. The pumpkin shuffle was made with the 25 cent/cans of pumpkin that I bought at Grocery Outlet. I used 1 1/2 cans of pumpkin, making enough for leftovers to use as a vegetable side for breakfasts or lunches. The other 1/2 can went into the snack cake, hence the 2 pumpkin items on one meal's menu.

We're making progress using up foods from the deep freeze. I want to get that freezer thawed and cleaned sometime in May before I begin freezing produce from this year's garden.

I went grocery shopping earlier this week, mostly buying produce, milk, and eggs. My plan is to spend less on groceries for the month of April, both to use up foods in the freezers and pantry and to offset our big beef purchase last month. This looks do-able.

How were your meals this past week? Did you have any favorites?

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  1. I also dislike crown prep and getting it placed and I have had a lot as a result of bad dentistry in the 70s.

    We traveled to visit our daughter over the weekend and early this week so we at out several times and cooked a little as well. When we got home we ate some chicken noodle soup I had previously frozen and doctored up with homemade buns I pulled out of the freezer. Next day was baked chicken legs and brown rice with Normandy mixed veggies. Ii made a no knead loaf of bread with pecans and cranberries and a strawberry lemonade with coconut milk for tasty evening drink (no alcohol and a sugar substitute) and it was delicious.

    1. Hi Alice,
      I have so much sympathy for anyone undergoing a lot of dental work. I'm sorry you have had to have so much crown work done.

      Yum! Your meals and refreshments sound delicious! I hope you enjoyed your time with your daughter.

  2. You had a very busy week. And an uncomfortable one. I'm glad you are getting help with your meals. Sometimes we all need a little assistance!

    I have a turkey barley soup in the crockpot right now, and I made your bread recipe this morning, Lili! It smells SO good in here right now. In no particular order, we had pumpkin chicken curry over rice, taco pie, BBQ chicken legs, and a sheet pan supper with turkey kielbasa and lots of veggies roasted in the oven. Hmm, now that I think of it, it's been a week with lots of poultry. :)

    1. Hi Kris,
      That does sound like a poultry kind of week -- a delicious one at that! It all sounds so good to me.

  3. Not sure where my first comment went, but I wanted to say to not be discouraged if it takes a while to regulate your thyroid. When mine first malfunctioned, it took a year to stabilize with meds, but has been easily managed since then.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn. I'm checking the portal to my medical records waiting for results from this morning's test. I'm hoping things are still trending in the right direction. I'm glad you can manage your thyroid very easily now.

  4. I dislike dental appointments the most for the discomfort and expense even with insurance. Especially as we age, worn fillings that are too deep need crowns. I hope you will feel better soon and all will be a distant memory.

    We are eating lots of stir fry side dishes with our garden vegetables. I made a boiled daikon (radish) dish that my husband loved. That motivates me to find more recipes to try. The insect mesh is increasing the yield so much that we can share with others as well as feed us daily.

    Hope you have a restful weekend,

    1. Hi Laura,
      I tell myself that with each appointment, I'm getting a little closer to being done for the time being. A distant memory soon, I hope.

      Oh yum! Your garden stir fry dishes sound so fresh. Good job on the daikon dish! I hope you have another cooking success like this right away!! And that's good news on the insect mesh. I'm going to have to order some for my cabbage family veggies.

      My weekend was a good one. I hope yours was as well.


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